
Steve Bruneman - Consultant

Winning the Marriage GambleSteve Bruneman, Consultant

How do we repair our marriages? How do we keep problems from happening again?

Steve Bruneman offers guidance on how to recognize issues before they happen and how to repair them when they do. Your relationship mechanic, Steve helps men and women tune up their relationships to keep them running smoothly.

A trial attorney and authority in family law, Steve brings a first -person awareness of the emotional struggles couples face in relationships. Providing practical strategies for addressing and resolving marital problems, he helps couples get back on the road to relationship success.

How do we make our marriages last? How do we become better spouses? Through continuous learning.

Rather than a counseling session, the consultation is an educational, marriage maintenance program.  During each session, Steve observes each couple’s interaction, offers feedback and teaches the tools necessary to redirect spouses to long-term marriage success. Couples actively participate in the entire process.

Marriage consulting is typically performed on weekends in a couple’s home or in Steve’s office.

Jump start your relationship. Call Steve Bruneman today: 214-744-4440

Winning the Marriage Gamble

Winning the Marriage Gamble explains by way of many examples, what both men and women must do to have really good marriages, or to maintain really good relationships longer, married or not.